Editorial Note



Dear Readers,

With great pride and privilege, we present the inaugural issue of Balangkas: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal. As the Editor-in-Chief, I feel very humbled and honored to present this new journal, which will spread and flourish with high-quality research emanating from diverse academic faculties.

At the core of Balangkas is the serious recognition that there is a need for a platform beyond academic boundaries to create a collaborative environment for differences in perspectives and ideas. Our journal encourages multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research in the spirit of knowledge sharing to address complex global challenges. Balangkas aims to contribute toward an integrated understanding and solving crucial world problems. It will publish four issues per year quarterly, with releases in January, April, July, and October. This regular flow ensures constant innovative research and supports the best review process for a good turnaround time for our contributors.

Balangkas, as an open-access journal, leads the way in making scientific knowledge available to everyone, increasing authors’ work visibility and impact. We believe in open access as one of the most fundamental means toward a universal and just community in the academy. The scope of Balangkas is purposely broad enough to embrace most subjects that include, but are not limited to, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Education, Engineering, Humanities, and Health Sciences. These multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches are believed to encourage cross-discipline dialogue and integration of diverse perspectives to successfully cope with the multiple facets of contemporary research questions. We are particularly keen on studies that would build bridges across the disciplines and their contribution to fresh ideas and innovative solutions to global problems.

In this inaugural issue, we proudly present a slate of articles reflecting the variety and richness of multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research. These studies help to enrich knowledge within specific disciplines and pay attention to how interdisciplinary collaboration can sow seeds for new understanding and innovative pathways. The topics range from educational strategies and cognitive development to advancements in artificial intelligence and sustainable environmental practices. Each article has passed through a rigorous peer-review process; it is, by default, the highest academic standard for the research communicated.

Looking into the future, we see Balangkas as a dynamic and adapting platform that adjusts to the continually shifting circumstances of academic research. We work hard to maintain the integrity and quality of our publication at a level that will be advanced by these changes in research in the ever-changing world of methodologies, technologies, and views. As we grow, we aim to foster a vibrant community of scholars dedicated to knowledge-building and creating positive societal transformation.

We are open to contributions from all over the world on Balangkas. By submitting your research to us, you become a part of a broad international learning community searching for knowledge and ways to improve society. Let us together build a journal that will be recognized as the epitome of world-class academia and set as a herald of impactful change.

Indeed, from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate each of the authors, reviewers, and members of the editorial board who, by now, are all invited to launch their collaborative effort in bringing Balangkas this far. Your dedication, commitment, quality of work, and expertise remain critical to seeing Balangkas through. We look forward to your continued support and collaboration as we embark on this exciting journey. Thank you for joining us in this inaugural issue of Balangkas: An International Multidisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research Journal.

We hope that you find the articles both enlightening and inspiring, and we encourage you to engage with the research and ideas presented within these pages. We aim to make our mark in the world; let us push the frontiers of knowledge.


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Editorial Note

How to Cite

Arifin, H. S. (2024). Editorial Note. Balangkas: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 1(1). https://journal.amr-inc.org/index.php/balangkas/article/view/9