Exploring Motivation among EFL Undergraduate Students: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective



Learning motivation, Self-determination Theory, Autonomy, EFL


Motivation is essential for effective language acquisition, yet many EFL (English as a foreign language) students struggle to maintain it throughout their learning journey. This study explores the role of Self-Determination Theory (SDT) in enhancing motivation among EFL students. The primary research question addressed is: How does SDT influence motivation among EFL students? Additionally, the study investigates two sub-questions: What are the key factors that affect motivation in EFL learning environments? How are autonomy, competence, and relatedness, as described by SDT, applied in teaching methodologies? For this purpose, journal articles from several databases (Google Scholar, JSTOR, Science Direct, and Semantic Scholar) were reviewed, and 43 articles were analyzed using the systematic review method. The findings highlighted that highly motivated learners exhibit greater engagement, determination, and better learning outcomes. Motivation is dynamic and influenced by various factors, with SDT emphasizing the importance of autonomy. Students who feel empowered and in control of their learning are more intrinsically motivated. Autonomy, combined with feelings of competence and relatedness, further boosts motivation. The study reveals that moving beyond traditional teacher-centered approaches is crucial, advocating for student-centered methodologies such as cooperative learning and task-based learning. These approaches grant students autonomy and foster competence and relatedness through collaboration and peer interaction. Autonomy-supportive teaching practices—including providing choices, clear explanations, and a supportive environment—are essential for meeting students’ psychological needs and enhancing intrinsic motivation. Ultimately, fostering intrinsic motivation in EFL students through SDT principles and student-centered methodologies creates a more conducive learning environment, leading to improved learning outcomes. Further research should investigate the interplay between SDT principles, individual differences, cultural contexts, and teaching methodologies to enhance our understanding of motivation in diverse EFL settings.


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How to Cite

Ilyas Nur Muhammadin, & Rozanah Katrina Herda. (2024). Exploring Motivation among EFL Undergraduate Students: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective. Balangkas: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 1(1), 1-9. https://journal.amr-inc.org/index.php/balangkas/article/view/4